West Louisville Math and Science Project, Inc. is hosting a
FAMILY FUN MATH EXPLOSION on August 1st at the
Southwick Community Center from 2 pm- 4 pm with dinner following. This event is FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!
If you are unable to volunteer but would like to support this family-centered educational event, we need the following items for our meal:
1.) Drinks - tea, lemonade or water
2.) Fruit- watermelon, oranges, apples and bananas
3.) paper plates, cups, bowls and napkins.
If you want to donate the above items please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and in the subject line put: "Donations for FFME FAMILY DINNER".
You can also drop the items off at the Southwick Community Center on Saturday, August 1 no later than 1:30 pm.
For questions please call 502-551-4734 or 502-262-1503. Leave voice message if we are unable to answer.
In Service and Community...
West Louisville Math and Science Project