Thank you to Sadiqa Reynolds for bringing us all together. Unity is the key...

Posted by Jerald Muhammad on Sunday, December 20, 2015


In for the Minister Jerald Muhammad, our Brothers Helping Brothers Special Forces has on a very special Sister Helping Brothers: new Louisville Urban League CEO Sadiqa Reynolds! She discusses her December 20 community protest on West Louisville's violence.

by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Webmaster

As I have started teaching Black young men and women again at an HBCU, I have just come to understand the extent to which some Black students fall through the academic cracks. An educational life of advanced placement and scoring well on standardized tests shielded me from seeing some of the problems that many Black youth go through in our local school system and how they have been failed on an educational and community basis.

A discussion of Spike Lee's "Chi-raq," the Ali Center's Rumble Young Man Rumble 5 and more!