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Outdoor Afro - Overnight Camping!
From Saturday, July 25, 2015 -  01:00pm
To Sunday, July 26, 2015 - 08:00am


Click the image above to take you to the registration site.

Location Shawnee Park (Shawnee Park Drive at Southwestern Parkway
1:00pm- 5:00pm Outdoor events TBA

Last year's highlights: Bicycle Pump Tract, Canoeing and Fishing, Rock Climbing wall open, Nature hike led by Olmsted Parks, Nature Photography by Dudley Edmondson, Buffalo Soldiers presentation,

5:00pm Camp set up

7:00pm Dinner

9:00pm Campfire/storytelling/smores

11:00pm Quiet time

7:00am Breakfast and depart

Suggested packing list for camping this weekend! Don't let lack of supplies hold you back. Let me know if you need anything.