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2015 Cardinal Success Program Artist Reception
Monday, August 31, 2015, 04:30pm - 06:00pm
Contact Dr. Foster at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

uofl logoOn Monday, August 31st Councilwoman Cheri Bryant Hamilton and Dr. Eugene Foster of the University of Louisville will host an Artist Reception at the Nia Center. The reception is in conjunction with the Cardinal Success Program, which Dr. Foster heads at the Nia Center in collaboration with the west Louisville community and U of L.

The Cardinal Success Program is an innovative partnership between the University of Louisville and the west Louisville community. It brings access to quality counseling and psychology services to residents from a traditionally underserved area of the community. This program plans to display art that captures the heritage and culture of west Louisville done by local artists. Dr. Foster would like to purchase one piece or art from each artist that work with this program. By doing this, he will eventually have a permanent collection of local art at the Nia Center.

Location The Nia Center, 2900 W. Broadway, Suite 320 Conference Room