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New Year Meditation: Active Creation and Community
Thursday, January 01, 2015, 01:00pm - 02:00pm
As a way of offering a holistic approach to activism and in general - World Changing and Creation - a day of meditation has been proposed to bring in the New Year.

As more and more of the community expresses interest in Louisville #BlackLivesMatter, and with so many having been actively organizing for months, the idea came about to offer a moment for reflection and self-care to everyone.

In tandem, it was recognized that key to any form of resistance or activism is to make sure to create community along the way, and begin to prefigure the world as you hope to embody it. And in what better way could this be engaged than a group meditation.

If interested please make sure to RSVP through the link invite. Included in the program will be a group meditation, laughter yoga, burning of sacrament, and intention setting activities. Please bring blankets, pillows, and mats, along with ANYTHING YOU WOULD LIKE TO SHARE such as: words of encouragement, song/music, art, poetry, food, and more.

We look forward to opportunity to rest in community with everyone and look forward to all the potential the New Year will bring.
Location Carl Braden Memorial Center 3208 W Broadway, Louisville, Kentucky 40211